

Dandruff generally occurs on the scalp in two types - dry or greasy:

Dry dandruff is usually caused by excessive cleansing. If the care content of the products used for cleansing, especially shampoos, is not sufficient, the scalp dries out.
Oily dandruff, on the other hand, usually indicates a scalp fauna that is not in balance. In other words, the natural microbiome of the scalp is disturbed, which in turn stimulates the stratum corneum to form dandruff. Fungal diseases in particular can play a role here.

Dandruff of any kind is often accompanied by itching


Scaly skin


Scaly skin is caused by the disturbance of the so-called protective layer of the skin, which is responsible for the balance between the death of old skin cells and the formation of new ones. The causes of scaly skin can be numerous. The protective layer of the skin itself consists of moisture and a lipid film.

The technical term for scaly skin is squama or pityriasis capitis.
