Radiation assimilation is the skin's main form of sun protection - this works via the skin's light callus. Just like nature, HYPOGEN SUN CARE's sun protection is based precisely on this.
Primären Schutz vor Sonnenstrahlung bietet die Feuchtigkeit im Zellmembrankomplex, welche die Sonnenstrahlung assimiliert. Dies unabhängig von der Wellenlänge, d.h. UV-A, UV-B und UV-C-Strahlung gleichermaßen.
Die Feuchtigkeit der Haut wird bei einem natürlich aufgebauten Zellmembrankomplex jedoch mit der Zeit herausgelöst, d.h. das Wasser verdampft.
When using sun protection from HYPOGEN CARE, this is the case many times later, as the cell membrane complex is so strongly compacted, i.e. optimized, via the NSP technology that much more moisture is stored much more stably.
Secondary protection is provided by the skin's pigment cells, as they can absorb UV-A and UV-B radiation in particular, so that no radicals develop. If their absorption capacity is used up by UV radiation, radicals develop in the skin. As highly reactive molecules, they are the cause of tissue damage such as sunburn and other diseases. With UV-C radiation, this problem arises right from the start.
With HYPOGEN SUN CARE sun protection, the primary protective barrier is the key to long-lasting sun protection. Other sun protection mechanisms take a back seat.